An independent kindergarten formed in Grießbach on July 1st, 2018. The association "Getzenknirpse e.V." took over one of the existing branches from the Venusberg kindergarten to provide a childcare for eleven children in town. It offers great charm through a creative garden, the immediate proximity to nature and an individual care concept in close cooperation with the parents. We as a local company are happy to support the facility and the three teachers with craftsmanship, much needed new acquisitions and a multi-year corporate sponsorship. We wish the association, the kindergarten teachers and their kids all the best for their time together and much success in the realization of future projects!
Mogatec successfully masters the requirements for the ISO 50001 certification
We all leave an ecological footprint. Either in our everyday life or at work – the more we are aware of our energy use, the smaller is this footprint. The responsible use of energy resources not only protects the environment but also reduces costs. ISO 50001 supports organizations in all sectors to use energy more efficiently, through the development of an energy management system.
What changes are planned and by when will they be realized?
The finalization of almost all projects will be achieved until the end of the year 2018. This includes the yet started exchange of all lightning to LED light bulbs, which itself already saves 70 % in energy used for light purposes. If we can leave the lights turned off, it also has a good reason: the sun is shining. We are currently working on the construction of a photovoltaic system. On a sunny day we are able to autonomously provide the energy for our plant. Energy-efficient building renovations regarding windows, doors, ventilation and cooling enable an efficient use of heating energy and avoid draught. The highest energy consumption is to be blamed on the compressor unit that generates compressed air. By the exchange on to new air lines and the unit itself we can guarantee a flexible appliance and improved seal. The goal is to reduce the energy consumption per single product. The key to success are we all: We know the plant and will realize all actions in our everyday business.
It has been the 13th „Corporate challenge run in the Ore Mountains” over a distance of 5 kilo-meters and with a record number of approximately 1.500 runners.
Incentive, ambition and good mood - a healthy foundation for a successful participation of Mogatec in this year’s corporate run. We could benefit from a broad base of ambitious occasional run-ners, experienced athletes and “tough” staff and each of the 20 arrived at destination with plenty of motivation. One is more trained, the other less but everyone was happy about the achieved performance and, then again, our team spirit was accompanied by a particular enthusiasm.
We will be at the starting line again next year and are pleased to note that the run is widely applauded by companies and associations.
Thanks to all participants and for the excellent organization.
When a crown hangs from the roof truss and many colorful ribbons wave in the wind - everyone knows: The topping-out ceremony is celebrated!
Clear structures, modern architecture and an elegant material composition of glass, steel and concrete – the new building as future reception area does not only serve as an aesthetic flagship for the MOGATEC headquarter but also symbolizes the functionality and value considering openness and customer care. „We love individuality and even more the case when it is a challenge“. What an appropriate guiding principle formulated by our construction partner KNORR Bauunternehmens - GmbH, Zschopau.
„First of all there was a wish, then plans were born and now the final completion of our building expansion with large and transparent glass surfaces is within reach. There will be a variety of premises to open space for communication and co-operation. We would like to bring together employees in a horizontal hierarchy and optimally interconnect several departments“, says Alexander Gränitz, one of the two Managing Directors of MOGATEC. „ We were proud and happy to present our newest construction project to the public and to celebrate this event with all helping hands, partners and employees on April 26, 2018.“
The building expansion stands for a steady growth achieved by the Drebach-based company during the past decades, describes tradition and modernity on site and sends the message › Warm welcome ‹ to all partners and employees. All parties concerned are local companies and are doing an excellent job in terms of quality. This ensures a smooth workflow on the building site and qualified support in a short time.
To discover dream jobs – To become familiar with the younger generation
MOGATEC is not only developer and manufacturer of garden tools but also a qualified and committed training company. Embedded in the “Week of open enterprises 2018”, which is coordinated all over Saxony, we open our doors at the plant in Drebach on March, 13th, 2018, and would like to provide information to an interested public on various career opportunities. In co-operation with Business Promotion Ore Mountains Ltd (WFE Ltd), we create a platform for actors to emphasize the potential of the Ore Mountains to encourage young talents and to present an attractive working and living space. Young people can talk to current trainees and gain an insight into the apprenticeship as cutting machine operator, industrial business management assistant and specialist for warehouse logistics. Students of mechanical engineering and business administration in a dual-education system will share their experience with visitors, too.
A warm welcome to authentic views and exciting prospects!